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Schick einfach ein I-Mehl .


von Mag. Hermann Schrammel

I look for Amerika. Dazu I take a big TV-Gerät.

I schalt on the TV-Gerät, and the Bild schow me a wonderful Gelände.
In the Gelände a horrible Löwe was fanging a small Gazelle.
Then the Löwe eat the dead Gazelle.

I press the Knopf on the Fernbedienung for an other Kanal.
Now the Bild was very dunkel.
Plötzlich I heard a Schuß! A Mann cries and fall um.
He was genauso dead as the Gazelle in the Kanal before.
Then I saw the Kommisar untersuching the dead Mann.
The Kommisar fish out a Brieftasche and a Revolver from the Jacket of the Mann.

I press nocheinmal the Knopf of the Fernbedienung
and now I saw the Bundespräsident holding the Fahne of Austria in seiner right Hand.
I think it was on the Nationalfeiertag, and the Bundespräsident was going
on a Fitmarsch around the Ringstraße in Vienna. I was not sehr interesting in that, so I schau for an other Kanal.

Now a Popsänger fetzt himself over the Bühne.
The girls and the boys under the Bühne were klatsching and stampfing
with their feeds on the Boden. The Popsänger take a Mikrophon and
sing a song of love and Freiheit. The Publikum was sehr zufrieden with the Auftritt of the Popsänger and his group.
Vielleicht they werden the number Eins in the Hitparade.

Nachdem I wieder press the Knopf, I saw the Freiheitsstatue on the Bild.
The Statue was holding a Fackel which did not brennen, because the Fackel was made of Stein.
I think, this must sein America. So I could drehen off the TV-Gerät, and endlich I can go to Bett.

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Last updated on 02. April 2008, 21:45 by Mag. Hermann Schrammel.