Pegasus Mail ist ein E-mail Programm. Ich verwende die aktuelle Version 4.70
für Windows XP, es gibt aber auch noch eine Version für Windows 3.11 und
den Mac.
Pegasus ist Freeware, kostet also nichts. Wer aber den Autor unterstützen
will, kann sich ein gedrucktes Handbuch bestellen.
Pegasus hat eine sehr gute Onlinehilfe. Klicke einfach mal auf "Hilfe" oder "help" im
Pegasus Mail is free software, committed to the notion that communication is as basic a right as free speech, because without a medium by which it may be heard, free speech is not even as loud as silence.
So many hands have chipped and shaped the reluctant stone of this work - too many for me to list them all here, but some names truly stand out:
Thomas Stephenson, Han van den Bogaerde and others who put in countless and thankless hours providing the support that makes the program possible - to you, I cannot offer enough thanks.
My test team, among them - David Kocmoud, Fred Viles, Dennis Cummins, Andrew Morrow, James Haley, Michael Kirby, Angus Scott-Fleming, Lex McPhail, Paul Helleur, Brad Clements, Michael in der Wiesche, Gerard Thomas, Grant Root, Nils Lohse, Larry Havenstein, Markus Wiedemeier, Jerry Wise, Philip von Melle, Martin Ireland, Henryk Birecki, Keith Tonge', Pete Holzmann, Jan Muszynski, Sven Henze, Mert Nickerson, Ton Roovers, Hans Öström, Jocelyn Nadeau, Lukas Gebauer, Thomas Nimmesgern and many others - great work, my friends.
Pegasus Mail is dedicated with love to the memory of Marjory Colvin, and with infinite sorrow, respect and compassion for all those whose lives were stolen on September 11th, 2001; though the memory is too painful to endure, we must never, ever forget.
David Harris, Dunedin, 2008. Proud to be a product of New Zealand.
Last updated on 26. April 2014, 22:15 by Mag. Hermann Schrammel.